tanboblog Foods, Lifestyle, Wanderlust, Budget travel.


Every country has its own winter food to enjoy, specially cooked to warm our bodies. In Japan, one of the most popular food to enjoy is "nabe". Actually, it's a wide variety of dishes known as nabemono. Nabe means pot and mono means things or stuff. It is an arrangement of different kinds of meat, assorted vegetables, and different kinds of broth. It includes popular dishes such as oden, sukiyaki, shabu shabu, yudofu and etc. THE MOST BASIC KIND OF NABE I will introduce you to "Yosenabe", the most basic kind of nabe you can try at home. It is easy to prepare and a great party food. Basically, there are no rules when making yosenabe. The main ingredients are…


As days become colder each week, we are drawing near winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Autumn leaves in some parts of Japan have completely shed off and we're entering winter within a few weeks. The Japanese winter season may be a little bit different in some parts of the world as the country has different levels of coldness. But instead of curling yourself inside the blanket, why not go out and explore what Japan has to offer. SEE WINTER ILLUMINATIONS One of the best attractions in Japan is seeing winter illuminations. It's not only limited to the Christmas season but it started in the middle of the autumn season when nights are longer than days. At dusk, the lights lit…


Autumn in Japan is one of the most spectacular sceneries in the world. The burst of colors from various species of maple and Japanese ginkgo trees created a mosaic of color against temples, shrines, parks, city streets, and lush countryside. Japanese maple and ginkgo leaves.  From Japan's Northern prefectures down to the South, the autumn foliage views are amazing with different fall color vibrancy. They are nature's work of art and add beauty to the cool and crisp autumn season. If you are a tourist to Japan and wonder where's the most popular spots to view autumn foliage, I narrowed down my choices to four spots that are quite popular and are flocked by tourists because of their picture-perfect views.…

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